Press Room

Seminar on IPRs Protection in Pakistan

12 August 2015

By Avari Towers Karachi

Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights sponsored by Commercial Law Development Program (USA), Brands Protection Group (ACIF), USAID,  CLEIP, OICCI & various companies will be held on 12th August 2015 at Avari Towers Karachi.

The workshop and seminar brought together a team of seniors and professionals from different background such as leaders and pioneers of Music Industry, Pharmaceutical industry, partners of various Intellectual Property law firms and prominent figures of both US and Pakistan Intellectual Property offices.  The conference was attended by various participants from different industry where they acknowledge the importance of Intellectual property and its importance for safety and effectiveness of a business.


The specific objectives of the workshop and the seminar were the following:


Need for IP reform- Commercial Law Development Program CLDP support for IP initiative


  • Lax Enforcement of IPRs- Deterrent to Investments and Innovation in industry 
  • IP Enforcement in the USA and Regional Enforcement Trends in South Asia
  • Abuse of Administrative and Regulatory Process
  • Geographical indications and Plant varieties- Opportunities in Pakistan
  • Safeguarding Confidential Information- A menace for the High Tech Industry
  • The musical art form in Pakistan
  • IP Reform Proposal
  • Developing a collaborative strategy and infrastructure for reforms in I.P laws and good practices and adoption.


In a panel discussion by Mr. Ali Kabir Shah the partner of Ali & Associates with Mr. Bulent Sohail from Hassan & Hassan Advocates on “Abuse of Administrative & Regulatory Processes in Intellectual Property” where Mr. Ali Kabir Shah highlighted how it was a tiresome process to get hold of the infringers in Pakistan since usually the infringements are carried on extremely small scales but however they take up a big proportion of the company’s sales.  Mr. Shah highlighted that often serving a legal notices may not be the best option available since the small manufacturers are granted the time and privilege to go underground which may hinder any possible legal action.